Over the years I have posted some pictures when four of us travel to Germany to visit a friend who was stationed in Germany. I was a blessing to be able to travel to see another part of God’s beautiful world.
Our travels included various cities in Germany- Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Spyer, Trier, Darmstadt, and Griesheim. We also were blessed to go to Luxembourg, and Paris. We went to one castle after the other in Germany; it was such an interesting trip.
I thought it would be interesting to post some of the pictures of different places we toured. Pictured below- mini car in Trier, Germany; I was looking up and pointing at a sign as we were going toward one of the castles; German beer mug; Betty, Agnes, Nancy and Earl in Paris, waiting to take a boat ride down the river; Nancy, Agnes, Betty and Bernadette seated at sidewalk cafe in Paris; Agnes and Earl- don't remember if this was in Luxemburg or Germany; my special mini Holland Dutch clogs.
I also purchased a few small keep sakes to remind me of places I have traveled. One of the keep sakes was some miniature Dutch clogs; I had an interest in Holland, and especially the cute clogs from there.
Betty A. Burnett